According to its statutes adopted on July 8, 2021, the organization "Communication et démocratie" is made up of its members, qualified personalities who hold membership in the organization. They have professional qualifications and/or acquired skills that can contribute, directly or indirectly, to the achievement of the organization's objectives.
The members meet in a General Assembly at least once a year to discuss and vote on the general orientations of the organization. They elect the members of the Board of Administration for a two-year term, half of which is renewed each year. The Board of Administration takes the appropriate decisions to implement the general orientations defined by the General Assembly, and focuses on the political and strategic issues of the organization. Members may also meet in thematic or functional working groups, which report to the Board.
The members of the Board of Administration appoint a Bureau, which is supported by a permanent Secretariat, currently composed of one person, the Delegate General, who is employed full time. The Bureau works more closely with the Secretariat, handles human resources issues, follows up on more technical issues and prepares the activities of the Board of Administration.
The organization's activities are financed by its members and donors as well as by financial partners, which can be public actors or private foundations (excluding corporate-led foundations). To date, most of the organization's funding comes from the "Charles Léopold Mayer" and "Un Monde par Tous" foundations. The drafting of the report "La communication commerciale à l'ère de la sobriété (external link)" in 2022, based on an academic study, was co-financed by the French agency ADEME.
The share corresponding to the financial support received by members and donors currently constitutes a small part of the organization's budget, but this source of funding is expected to grow in the coming years.